
ah I must keep going.

Soo much to do. I’m really enjoying the hair salon redesign, it’s constant work though and with a group, things can get stressful. I’m also sort of slower at making study models. I mean they turn out well, but I think I need to find better glue, or figure out how to make paper cement work in my favor. I’m trying to think about what materials we would need to build the full scale model. It’d be really awesome if we could get full length mirrors in there, I don’t want to make them out of tin foil. Making that track is going to be awesome though, because I guess that means we have to make the ceiling, which means we have to make walls. Which means this will be huge, because I’m pretty sure we’re going to go with the more open layout where the walls are further away from the mirrors. It’s gonna be good though.

All that and a couple tests along the way. I can do it!


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